You’re never too old to improve your smile, whether that means tooth whitening, veneers, or even dental braces.
Although it’s best to reposition teeth in childhood, it seems more adults are choosing dental braces with great results. In fact, the American Association of Orthodontics (AAO) notes that one in five orthodontic patients is over the age of 18. There are even cases of adults opting for dental braces in their forties and fifties.
Bear in mind these statistics:
- 96% believe a nice smile makes someone attractive
- 74% believe an unattractive smile impacts career success
- 69% didn’t date someone due to bad teeth
- 54% think a good smile makes you look younger
Before you decide that you’re too old or your child is too young for dental braces, learn what your Century City cosmetic dentist has to say about them.
Benefits of Getting Dental Braces
Most dental experts, including your Beverly Hills cosmetic dentist, suggest getting braces to help with:
- Dental health. Crooked teeth are harder to clean and increase your risk of gum disease and tooth decay.
- Misaligned teeth. Over bites, under bites, and crooked teeth may cause excessive wear and damage to the function and enamel of your teeth. Additionally, they can lead to other health problems, such as headaches, chewing difficulty, and insomnia.
- Aesthetics. Most people want an attractive smile. It helps with their confidence and self-esteem.
While it’s important to talk with your Century City cosmetic dentist, the AAO recommends that children have an orthodontic screening no later than the age of seven. It’s easier to take care of orthodontic problems early.
However, your Beverly Hills cosmetic dentist believes that adults make excellent orthodontic candidates, too. So don’t be afraid of asking about dental braces regardless of your age.
Choosing the Best Dental Braces for You
Only your Century City cosmetic dentist can tell you which dental braces will work best for your individual situation. However, here are two types to consider:
- MicroArch® Advanced Low-profile Twin Brackets. The latest in metal brackets, these dental braces offer a comfortable rhomboid shape and advanced design. Plus, their smaller shape – approximately 30 percent smaller than traditional style brackets — improves facial proportions and appearance.
- In-Ovation® C Self-Litigating Brackets. These functional, attractive ceramic dental braces offer high translucency to help camouflage your braces with little to no discoloration. Additionally, their design offers greater comfort along with shorter, fewer appointments and superb aesthetics.
The goal of dental braces is to offer you a great smile. However, more importantly it’s to ensure your have a good bite. That means straight teeth that fit well together.
Orthodontic treatments, including dental braces, are part of a good dental health care plan. Take good care of your teeth, gums, and mouth and they’ll take good care of you.