Healthy teeth will make you look and feel younger and can boost your self-esteem. According to Dr. Bill Dorfman, author of the New York Times Best Seller, Million Dollar Smile, and frequent guest on several national television shows, 96 percent of people surveyed believe a smile makes everyone more appealing. However, good dental health is much more than a pretty grin.
If you follow Dr. Dorfman’s Blog, you will know that your mouth is the gateway to your overall health. Follow these simple steps below and you will be helping your mouth and your body.
Brush-When you brush twice a day, you will be removing food particles and bacteria. Use a fluoride toothpaste and brush for two minutes. Brush with a soft bristled toothbrush and be sure to swap it out every three to four months or when the bristles are frayed and worn.
Flossing-When you floss before brushing you will help prevent plaque and tartar from forming on your teeth. Dr. Dorfman recommends that you floss at least once a day working around each tooth. Make sure that you use floss that is recommended by the American Dental Association.
Regular dental checkups-When you schedule regular appointments with Dr. Dorfman twice a year you can catch any problems before they get worse. When gum disease and tooth decay are discovered early on, you can nip gingivitis and cavities in the bud. If you are prone to dental caries or gum disease consider more frequent appointments. People who have diabetes, HIV, a poor immune system or cancer should also visit Dr. Dorman more often.
A Healthy Diet-You really are what you eat and if you want healthy teeth, stay away from sugar and starchy foods and skip the sticky stuff. Drink water instead of energy or sports drinks, which are loaded with sugar and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Include dairy, kale, sardines and other foods that are rich in calcium, which can help prevent tooth decay
Skip the Tobacco-People who smoke or chew tobacco are more prone to gum disease. Smokeless tobacco will also increase your chances or oral cancer including gum, cheek, tongue and lip cancer. Tobacco products also cause chronic halitosis or bad breath.
A healthy smile starts with healthy teeth and gums and can do wonders for your confidence, and if you can’t remember the last time you scheduled a checkup with your dentist, call or click and talk to Dr. Dorfman today.